Lirik Lagu Lengkap Never Stand Alone Klip Maruli Tampubolon, Diputar di Times Square New York

Lirik Lagu Lengkap Never Stand Alone Klip Maruli Tampubolon, Diputar di Times Square New York

Yuli Nopiyanti
2021-02-01 08:00:00
Lirik Lagu Lengkap Never Stand Alone Klip Maruli Tampubolon, Diputar di Times Square New York
Never Stand Alone Klip Maruli Tampubolon, Diputar di Times Square New York

Lagu baru penyanyi Maruli Tampubolon yang berjudul "Never Stand Alone" menjangkau pendengar hingga mancanegara. 

Lagu rohani terbaru yang diciptakan oleh penulis lagu oleh Maleena atau akrab dikenal Artha Meris Simbolon ini mengajak manusia untuk lebih bersyukur di tengah keadaan sulit.

Yang membanggakan, lagu tersebut berhasil mencangkup pendengar hingga go international dengan terpampang di Times Square

Berikut lirik lagu Never Stand Alone Klip Maruli Tampubolo

Don't lose your faith, in times of darkness and rain.

Don't lose hopes, when dreams far away.

Reach for HIM in all you tears and sorrow.

You'll never stand alone, 'Cause GOD standing by..

HIS love will bring you home, HIS power will keep you strong.

Have faith inside, You'll find him next to you.

HIS love will bring you home, HIS power will keep you strong

Have faith inside, You'll find him next to you.

Never walk alone..

Right by your side..


Don't lose your faith, in times of darkness and rain.

Don't lose hopes when dreams far away

You'll Never Stand Alone, 'Cause GOD standing by..

HIS love will bring you home, HIS power will keep you strong

Have faith inside, you'll find him next to you

HIS love will bring you home, HIS power will keep you strong

Have faith inside,

You find him next to you..

HIS love will bring you home, his power will keep you strong,

have faith inside, you'll find him next to you

Never Walk Alone....

NEVER!! NEVER!! Walk alone.....

Never walk alone...

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